Frequently asked questions

What is the dress code when attending a Arthur Adams® course?
The dress code for attendee of our courses is smart-casual.
How many people will there be on the course?
Arthur Adams® courses are run with small groups to ensure each attending participant receives individual guidance from the trainer.
What levels within the organisation can you organise learning for?
We provide learning solutions for people working at different levels within the organisation. This includes the Entry Level Staff, Team Leaders, Supervisors, Middle Management, Senior Management and CEO's.
How do you measure the impact of your learning on our organisation?
We use a variety of professional development measurement tools. You may be looking for ROI measurement or you may be looking for evidence of a behavioral change You may be looking at alternatives to Kirkpatrick's level one measurement. Recently predictive measurement of training programs is very popular.
What are the post program services that you provide to your clients?
After the project is delivered, it is evaluated based on the written feedback and comments of the participants. A written feedback report on the program can also be provided to the client if requested. We also provide a program measurement service whereby the success of the program is measured by an independent party. Participants are provided continuous support and networking opportunities. Arthur Adams® Training Networks conducts learning activities in the form of breakfasts and newsletters to update participant knowledge and provides opportunities for networking.
As a trainer, facilitator and/or instructional designer can I gain entry into your company?
If you are a subject expert of the highest calibre and are interested to join our company, contact us for more information on the entry criteria.